Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hiv Free Certificate Training How Does Free HIV Testing Help To Stimulate The Economy?

How does free HIV testing help to stimulate the economy? - hiv free certificate training

It is part of the stimulus package, but it is not only a perfect example of liberal spending pork?


Slipknot Cereal said...

It does not. It's called pork.

caldude1... said...

It is not, but it is a problem of public health. We do not need people who are infected with HIV, can be in the public, which could influence others to perform.

The fact that the virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, now, does not mean that in a bit worse than that, what are impact far larger.

We have spent 700 billion U.S. dollars to a country to attack that never attacked or threatened us, just because they might have weapons of mass destruction. I think the cost of HIV testing is a pittance in comparison.

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