Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Women Girdles Pics Did Those Women From The Old Timey Days Girdles Mold Their Figures?

Did those women from the old timey days girdles mold their figures? - women girdles pics

I once read that the old days TimEY Brace / bands that have been in continuous use by women during the day, happiness, in fact, modeled after a certain period - the number of these things too tight to use all the time. anyone out there know anything?


ladynwai... said...

Well, I had my daughter 13 months ago, and a girdle every day since my 6th Take weeks and aftering has done so much for me, I was a sz 2 B4 I had my daughter when I "was pregnant, reached a size 12 ___OH MI - I am now a size 4, so I know-what are the jobs you every single hard times of the day it is so difficult when you go WC I think they need to simulate to invent something mens boxers would be easier for women to wear these things, then it wouldnt be so many stories about them, but I would say ... a gurl ... you need to shape and streamline your body ... but a lot of time and you must buy the whole body, so that they can work and can sometimes be very expensive and hard to .. I hope there is help:) good luck finding one that is comfortable, if you decide soon!:)

shorty20... said...

Yes, if mold is a constant. The woman on the Tyra Banks program would be little use in the world to this all the time. But it was distorted and very unattractive.

Incognit... said...

I do not know, I suppose if these corsets were worn every day could be for years, so the expansion of the chest of a few women, slowly, but I can not imagine any other part of your body.

Of course, if a "split" or something more restrictive is the first man on one leg or arm tissue for a reduction due to less moisture in the area, but that's only temporary.

Many years ago, in parts of China, women bind their feet. This union would stop the bone growth and a small foot care very distorted.

debdini said...

While the shape of a woman's body. Also, the overloading of the organs including the lungs. It would cause women to faint easily perpetuated the belief that women are the weaker sex.

...ms cutlet said...

Asphyxiation, and the change in the body ... ew

There you are∫ said...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Training_co ...

Cara said...

Was probably not permanently, but as if you wear a bra for too long, you get points, which would persist for some time.
Children do not use so I doubt influenced bone structure, but there's a good attitude.

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